WTF!? Nothing To Do With Santa Clarita:
If you are over 30 years old you have probably encountered some of these phrases at some time…. Oh you are still a baby, you are still young, I wish I were still that age, etc..
‘WHAT THE HECK!!! Most of the time these scenarios happen you soon find out the people saying this are only a few years older than you, if that! Do people say this because they are ignorant to your age? Are they telling you that in only 1-3 years you are going to feel or look like them? Are they ashamed they are looking older then you? Or in 1-3 years you are going to gain a wealth of knowledge(do they really think they have?) Personally I think people who say these statements make themselves look stupid, and I am here to say “CALL THEM OUT ON THIS’ Just because they are a year or two older does not make them ANY SMARTER! !!! O.K. That is now off my chest, I feel better already, But then again why does this even bother me? Can a year or two really make a difference?
Happy Easter